Friday, April 19, 2013

Patriots Day

April 19, 1775

I guess this is the best time as any to talk about Patriots Day.
With what happened Monday and has been going on since then I think celebrating our Patriots from 1775 is a good thing to do right now.

Patriots Day commemorates the first battles of the American Revolutionary War. Two months later George Washington would be made leader of the new Continental Army.

Patriots Day is actually held on the 3rd Monday of April, but with not alot of people given the day off they hold the Battle reenactments the Saturday before. It is held at Minute Man National Historical Park area. The first 'battle' is held at Lexington Green in Lexington, Massachusetts, (around 6:00 am) and The Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts, (around 9:00 am). In the morning, mounted re-enactors with state police escorts retrace the rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes, calling out warnings the whole way. (1)

As a re-enactor, you can either buy a replica costume but we find alot make their own. Some people laugh at one another about how much "one might have spent on their replica musket or the hours spent to finish the pair of breeches, but for big time re-enactors this is Woodstock."(2)

"You’re not allowed to fire a gun–even an unloaded replica during a re-enactment–on Park Service land. It’s also against the rules to pretend to be dead, so no one falls down on either side. High drama it’s not, but if you’re here to be entertained, you’ve missed the point." (2)

The Boston Marathon is scheduled to happen on Patriots Day every year. "Many Bostonians refer to it as Marathon Monday." (1) Every year since 1959 the Red Sox are always scheduled to play at home on Patriots' Day. This year games have been postponed due to the sad and very unfortunate circumstances.

Next year's Patriots Day is Monday April 21, 2014. The reenactments will take place on Saturday April 19th, 2014 at same time and place as stated above.

Next time on A Mile above the Syrup: Old Man of the Mountain

1. 'Patriots Day' Wikipedia. 2013
2. Patriots' Day: Two Mornings in April article. Yankee Magazine March 2012. Justin Shatwell  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon April 15 2013

I was going to post the next time about the Patriots. Patriots Day that is but with what happened yesterday I'm just going to make this short so we can have a moment of silence for those who lost their lives, were injured, some injuries that will change the course of ones life.
I could upload pics from all the sites that have been posted but some were so gruesome, there is no reason those of any age should see and have to remember.

We <3 you Boston. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sugaring Sweetness

   It's that time again in New England. The Sun is peaking out and the temps are above freezing. Now its time to tap those Maples and get that delicious sap a-flowin'. Whether you tap the trees with hoses, plastic jugs or use the old fashioned metal buckets, when the bucket is full, its time to start boilin'.

   The sweet smell lingers through the air and you crave those hot pancakes, waffles, sugar on snow, whatever strikes your fancy with that Pure New England Maple Syrup. Did I mention it's a good winter food source for weight loss (or so they say today).

Not only is Pure Maple Syrup a household necessity, its a way of life for alot of families (most passed down generation to generation) throughout New England, New York and Canada, possibily anywhere you find maples and the right temperatures. 

If you plan on Sugaring make sure you have the ambition, time and biggest one of all - Patience. I personally have not sugared but I have friends and know people who have and still do and its ALOT of work. Long hours, stirring and checking the temps to make sure it comes out juuusssttt right!    

Also, make sure you don't tap the trees in the same areas as those who been tapping for years, territory is key. Be sure to ask around where its ok to tap. Or ask a shack if you could help them out to get a feel for it.

Maple Syrup can be made into different types. "Maple syrup is graded according to the Canada, United States, or Vermont scales based on its density and translucency. Sucrose is the most dominant sugar in maple syrup. In Canada, syrups must be at least 66 percent sugar and be made exclusively from maple sap to qualify as maple syrup. In the United States, a syrup must be made almost entirely from maple sap to be labelled as "maple"." 1

I personally prefer the:
           Grade A Medium Amber to Grade B

Don't forget the Maple candy & Maple cream, its great on toast.
Have you ever tried sliced peaches with Maple syrup?

For those in the Pioneer Valley I have some Sugar Shacks waiting for your visit!
  1. Lawton Family Sugarhouse - 47 Goshen Road (Route 9) next to Pat's in Williamsburg 
    (413) 268-3145 (also sell Grassfed beef) call for hours.
  2. Gould’s Sugarhouse – 570 Mohawk Trail in Shelburne – (413) 625-6170. Open 7days a week, 8:30am – 2pm.
  3. Pomeroy’s Sugar House – 491 Russellville Road in Westfield – (413) 568-3484. Open Fridays – Sunday, 7:30am – 1pm.
  4. High Hopes Farm Sugar House – 1132 Huntington Road in Worthington – (413) 238-5919. Open Saturday and Sunday, 7am – 2pm.
  5. Tessiers Sugarhouse - Fairgrounds Road in Cummington (413) 634-5022 call for hours.

Did you know:
The Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association was founded in 1893 making it one of the oldest agricultural organizations in the United States.

Vermont is the largest supplier of syrup in the United States, generating about 5.5% of the global supply. WOW!

Next time on A Mile above the Syrup: we celebrate the Patriots!

1. 'Maple Syrup' Wikipedia. 2013.  (Yes I used Wikipedia for that small amount of information, but they are right on the Sugar account of Maple Syrup)